Saturday, August 20, 2011

"Those" thoughts

I've come to realize that when you become a MoM (mom of multiples), the reactions you get from people run the gamut of "WOW, you've got your hands full," to "OH MY GOD!  TWINS!  I've always wanted twins!"  I'm never quite sure how to respond to these comments; I usually mutter something to the affect of "Uh-huh," as I hurriedly walk away, although I'm usually thinking something much more eloquent.  In regards to the "hands full" comment, the first thing that pops into my mind is a comment I stole from another MoM - "better to have full hands than an empty heart," and I do feel that way... sometimes.  I feel special and blessed to enter the rank of MoMhood.  I enjoy the "oohing and ahhing" from strangers when we go out in public.  I love rocking the twins to sleep at the same time.  I love watching them play, especially now that they are starting to discover the each other.

Then I get the "OMG!  TWINS!" comment, which automatically makes me think, "You have no idea..."  There's the tandem crying, the have-a-baby-in-your-hands-every-minute-of-every-day, the excessive laundry, the diapers, the getting up every 15 minutes because SOMEBODY dropped a binky...  All too frequently in those situations, one seemingly innocuous thought crosses my mind: 

"This would be a whole lot easier if there were only ONE of them." 

And, this is a summary of the thoughts that immediately follow:

"What a horrible thing to say." 
"You'll never forgive yourself if something happens to one of them." 
"If you had to choose, which one would you keep?"
"You're their mother.  You couldn't choose."
"There are people out there that can't even HAVE children.  You should consider yourself lucky."
"Well, I already have a girl, but the boy is SO needy..."
"Wow.  You're horrible." 

The truth is that I love my babies.  I could never choose between the two, and I do feel grateful to have both of them in my life.  Yes, everything WOULD be easier with just one.  I could fit all of my kids in my car.   I could go shopping without having to use 2 grocery carts.  I wouldn't have to spend all day trying to get a baby to sleep - once one was down, I would have "Me" time for the next couple of hours. 

But, I wouldn't be able to buy matchy-matchy twin clothing.  I wouldn't be able to see Tristan smile at his sister, or watch Teagan get mad because Tristan almost figured out how to turn over, and she still can't.  I wouldn't be able to hold a sleepy baby in each arm and know that only I have the "magic sleepy touch."

So, the next time someone tells me that they've always wanted twins, I'll think to myself, "You have no idea...  what you're missing."


  1. Aww this is very sweet. You're a great mom

  2. Awww, Jenn :) I'm sure many moms of multiples have some of the same thoughts, because it probably WOULD be easier with just one. But like you said, with the double the hard comes double the wonderful. I so wish I could give you hand with the hard stuff at times so you could enjoy the wonderful all that much more. All of your babies are very lucky to have you as their mama.

  3. (((HUGS))) As I said today on the phone I feel like the worst friend EVER but not a day goes by that I don't think about you.

  4. Jenn I have these exact same thoughts. It's like I just wrote this post. I think every MoM has thought this at some point or another. I find it totally natural to think this way. Yes 1 baby would be easier, but that doesn't mean we actually want that!
